Updating your securenode tracker software
Greets all,
How is everyone?
An updated securenode tracker has just been release.
To update please run through the following:
Change to the secnodetracker folder and update the tracker application. This may be '~/zencash/secnodetracker' if the install guides were followed.
Run the following commands:
git fetch origin
git checkout master
git pull
If git complains about overwritting a file use:
git checkout -- filename
Then run the above commands again
Run setup (this will refresh the list of servers) in the scenodetracker folder. You should be able to accept all the previous values.
node setup
Stop the tracker application and restart it
press Ctrl-c
if running manually and then node app
or restart using your managment application such as PM2
pm2 restart 0
To check the pm2 process is running correctly please run pm2 logs
and look for the absence of errors.